Yes, There Are Men Crocheters!

Dean Robinson is Director of the Potomac Craftsmen Gallery in Alexandria. VA. I first met him when he stopped by our CGOA booth at “Stitches” and he consequently offered classes at our 3rd Annual Crochet Conference. Dean has knitted and crocheted for years and teaches techniques that he has developed. As one of five men members of his local Knitting Guild, Dean says he thinks the women in the group go out of their way to make him feel comfortable. One disadvantage Dean has found is that when he designs garments for women, he can’t try them on himself. He finds his Guild friends very willing to help him out when he needs to check shape or size on a garment. Continue reading

Excerpt: The Healing Power of Crafts:

Using Your Hobbies to Gain Mental, Physical and Spiritual Benefitst’s.

by Nancy Monson (April 4, 2005)

Time heals all wounds. But until time kicks in, what do you do while you’re waiting? How do you relieve stress and decompress from everyday pressures? How do you ease the pain, distract your mind, soothe your soul? If you’re like me (and a whole lot of celebrities, it seems), you craft. Continue reading

Punk Knits

Punk Knits: The Book

As the saying goes, this is not your grandmother’s knitting book. Many knitters, especially young ones, want to make items that are in no way typical of everyone else. They’d like to make garments and accessories that are fresh, edgy, and a little bit out there.

Unlike Goth-knit, punk knit isn’t about dark and depressing. It’s about being artistic, making a statement, and expressing individuality, and that’s exactly what this book delivers.

Each of the twenty-six designs in the book, including arm warmers, leg warmers, scarves, miniskirts, hats, and sweaters, was inspired by a music legend, such as Sid Vicious, Debbie Harry, Patti Smith, John Lennon, Lenny Kravitz, and the New York Dolls. Each pattern is modeled by Hollywood rock ‘n’ rollers and “scene-sters.” Continue reading

Son of Stitch ‘n Bitch: 45 Projects to Knit and Crochet for Men

The newest from bestseller Stoller (Stitch ‘n Bitch) gives men their first chance to snuggle up with her fuzzy, fashion-forward knitting projects. While the book is aimed largely at the women who knit for them, men will be happy to know that Stoller’s first concern is for their particular tastes: many interesting elements–fancy stitches, unusual yarn, unique designs–are anathema to most males, who prefer simple pieces in a darker palate. Continue reading


While Taimina’s and Osinga’s models have achieved the most fame, a host of other mathematicians in recent years has started crocheting and knitting mathematical shapes. An exhibit of mathematically inspired fiber arts at the 2005 annual Joint Mathematics Meeting in Atlanta boasted an impressive array of such models. In addition to Taimina’s hyperbolic planes and a Lorenz surface crocheted by Yackel, the exhibit featured Möbius strips, which are twisted rings that have only one side, and Klein bottles, which are closed surfaces that have no inside. There were also crocheted versions of the five Platonic solids-the cube, the tetrahedron, the octahedron, the dodecahedron, and the icosahedron-as well as a bricklike fractal object called Menger’s sponge. Continue reading


Osinga launched her crochet project in the hopes of finally getting her hands on a Lorenz manifold, a mathematical object that she had been studying theoretically for years. Meteorologist Edward Lorenz, now an emeritus professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, had set down three equations in 1963 as a highly simplified description of weather dynamics. These Lorenz equations have tremendous mathematical and historical significance. While simulating the equations’ dynamics on a computer, Lorenz found that tiny round-off errors result in hugely different outcomes, a discovery that launched the field of chaos theory. Continue reading


In 1997, as Daina Taimina geared up to teach an undergraduate-geometry class, she faced a challenge. As a visiting mathematician at Cornell University, she planned to cover the basic geometries of three types of surfaces: planar, or Euclidean; spherical; and hyperbolic. She knew that everyone can use intuition to conceive of the first two geometries, which are the realms of, say, sheets of paper and basketballs. The hyperbolic plane, however, lies outside of daily experience of the physical world. Continue reading

Mathematicians are knitting and crocheting to visualize complex surfaces

During the 2002 winter holidays, mathematician Hinke Osinga was relaxing with some lace crochet work when her partner and mathematical collaborator Bernd Krauskopf asked, “Why don’t you crochet something useful?” Some crocheters might bridle at the suggestion that lace is useless, but for Osinga, Krauskopf’s question sparked an exciting idea. “I looked at him, and we thought the same thing at the same moment,” Osinga recalls. “We realized that you could crochet the Lorenz manifold.”

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